Emoji Key

Many links are tagged with emojis. Here's what they mean:

  • Type of content:
    • ➰ > A link to another page in the DSK.
    • 💬 > Opinion piece, presentation, blog post or other content by an individual or organization.
    • 📰 > News article, editoral or piece by a journalist.
    • 🏢 > Official communication from an organization, oftentimes an institutional (i.e. Government-backed) organization.
    • 🧑‍⚖️ > Text of a law or other binding document currently active in one or more countries. Associate the ❌ emoji if the law is no longer in effect.
    • 📑 > Published research article or review in a canonical peer-reviewed journal, or similar (e.g. ongoing open peer review).
    • 📄 > Preprint in a preprint server.
    • 📃 > Poster or other vignette.
    • 📕 > Book or long-form report.
    • 💁 > Presentation to a meeting, conference, etc...
    • 📝 > Official agreement, treatise or manifesto of purpose with no legally binding effects published by an organization or group of organizations.
    • 🔨 > Tool, practical resource checklist or handbook.
  • Format of content:
    • The default format is a simple webpage (HTML), and has no associated emoji.
    • 🔻 > PDF (.pdf).
    • 🔸 > Presentation (e.g. .pptx).
    • ▶️ > Video or other multimedia formats.
  • Language:
    • The default language is English, and has no associated emoji.
    • 🇮🇹 > Italian.
    • 🇫🇷 > French.
    • 🇪🇸 > Spanish.
  • Accessibility:
    • The default accessibility is unrestricted (e.g. an Open Access paper), and has no associated emoji. Such resources should be freely perusable without any expense by the user (other than a computer, electricity and a web connection, obviously).
    • 🔒 > This resource is paywalled, requires a login or is not publicly and freely available due to other reasons.
    • 🔐 > This resource requires a login or registration in order to provide its services, but it is otherwise free to use or read.
  • Content quality or fruibility:
    • 🔰 > Easy to use, understand or in general a beginner-friendly resource.
    • ⭐ > This resource is particularly important or fundamental for a topic.
    • ❌ > Retracted, false or misleading information.
  • Other:
    • 🍪 > This website requires the usage of cookies.
    • 📥 > This link immediately downloads a file to the user's computer.
    • ⚫ > This link has been screened, but no other emoji tags apply.

Not all links are fully tagged. Please consider contributing if you find an error or an omission.