Computer Science toolbox

In the modern day, data is almost always manipulated digitally in some form. Even physical objects might be listed in a digital index, or scanned and digitalized altogether. For this reason, a Data Steward has to have some computer science knowlege and a toolbox of digital hammers and wrenches which are useful when dealing with digital data. This section covers topics such as:

  • What digital data is;
  • How digital data is encoded, transmitted and shared with others;
  • What formats are available to save data in;
  • What is metadata and in which formats are available to represent it;
  • What data infrastructures are and how to manage them (as potential administrators);
  • Technologies to manipulate, reshape, fuse and split data;
  • Determination of costs related to data management (e.g. storage and computing power);
  • Knowledge of relevant tools that can be used to obtain, reshape, reuse, manipulate and share data throughout a research project.


This section is heavily under construction.

Basics of computer science

  • Files and filesystems
  • Basics of the internet and shared computing

Programming languages

  • What are programming languages?
  • Python

Data Structures, serialization and storage

  • Basic data structures and types
  • Serialization and Deserialization
  • Compression

AI and Machine Learning