History of Open Science
This section covers the history of Open Science, from its inception, to crucial events in its history, to the current day.
The Open Movement in Europe
Open Science has strong backing from the European Commission:
- 🏢 📕 European research area policy agenda Years 2022/2024
- Neelie Kroes, ex European Commissioner for Competition and Digital Agenda - 💬 ▶️ Let's make science Open
Open Science and Covid-19
The Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of Open Science. This section includes resources that discuss how Open Science has helped in the fight against Covid-19 and how it went wrong in some cases.
- 🍪 📑 Open science approaches to COVID-19
- "In response [to COVID-19], researchers have adopted open science methods to begin to combat this disease via global collaborative efforts. We summarise here some of those initiatives, and have created an updateable list to which others may be added."
- 📑 OECD - Mobilizing Science in times of crisis
- What practices were used during the pandemic, how they worked, an the work needed in the future to make science more open and collaborative.
- 📕 🔻 The State of Open Data 2021
- "Open Data saves lives".
- A report on open data, including sections on the state of open data, its role in the life sciences, how open data can combat fraud, and how to engage researchers in its creation and use.
- 📰 Collaboration in the times of COVID
- 💬 All prints should be preprints
- An opinion piece on how the pandemic has shown the importance of preprints in scientific communication, as they immediately share knowledge with the community and the wide public. It also highlights some misconceptions about preprints.
- 💬 💁 ▶️ Robert Terry - Implications of the pandemic for publications
- 📰 Calling all coronavirus researchers: stay open
- A controversial editorial from Springer-Nature (which is a for-profit, closed publisher) that calls for researchers to share their data and findings openly during the pandemic.
- 💬 🍪 Don't lockdown research results
- 📰 STM makes open all coronavirus research for the duration of the outbreak.
- 💬 The purpose of publications in a pandemic and beyond