Stewarding the data lifetime

The most expansive and eterogeneous section, "Stewarding the data lifetime" deals with the philosophical, pratical and technical aspects of data stewardship, from the planning of data collection, to the manipulation of fresh data, to its potential deletion or archival, etc... This section is heavily context-specific: ideas that might apply to data in the context of biological science might not be relevant to Architectural studies, and vice-versa. This section covers many topics, and some examples include:

  • How to plan data collection, even at large scales and with many data collection partners;
  • Determining when, where and how to store newly created data;
  • Defining and measuring data quality for specific data types in specific contexts;
  • Designing and implementing data curation procedures, from collection to archival;
  • Solving the discard problem and defining methods and formats of long to very-long term preservation of archive data;
  • Determining the best methods of reusing published data to limit useless expenditures, with particular regards to ascertaining data quality and usefulness for the purpose.